Wednesday, November 2, 2011


Why is it that all people think that they are in love with their significant other within the first week that they start dating. They do not even know the person enough to be in love with them. It can take years for two people to love each other. Granted their are feelings involved when you are in a relationship, but how do you know that that is what love is? You think that you are in love with someone and then once they do something wrong you automatically stop loving them. True love never ends. You will always have feelings for that person even if you do not want to. This is one of my biggest pet peeves. I do not know where they are in their relationship but I can almost gaurentee that they are not in love. I have dated people for weeks and we were not in love with each other. Everybody has a different sense in feelings. Maybe they can be in love in a week. I do not believe in love at first sight but some people may. Why I think of love at first sight I think of just looking at someone. It takes way more than looks to actually love someone. If you are in love with their looks you should not be in love with that person. Looks can help but the personality is the key. I think that some people that are not attrative are the best looking. Personality makes up for the not so good looks. I do not see how you can fall in love at first sight. Maybe im not the hopeless romantic I always thought I was.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Why do parents have such high expectations for their children? They want them to do everything their way: receive high grades, play the sports they played, be in every extra-curricular activity that will help them get into the higher colleges. The kids get so stressed out that they cannot take it. If they do bad at the sport they play they pressure them into doing it right until they do not want to play anymore. They turn their kids out of a passion that they used to have. If they get an A- they make them fix it until they get an A. Sometimes it is nearly impossible to get an A on an assignment. The teacher/professor may not be a great teacher and the tests could be extremely difficult making it nearly impossible to pass, expecially when the teacher says that no one has gotten over a B on any of his tests in the past forty years. One little mistake and their relationship is over. They treat them like animals no matter how hard they try to become what they want them to be. It amazes me how some parents can have no respect for their children. They show no love for them and only show them respect when they do good. All people want is to love and to be loved in return. With parents who do not show them love they might not be able to show love to someone else or even their kids when they get older. They will treat them the same way they were treated as a child. People need to show compassion and love to their children even in their hard times in life.


So yesterday was Halloween and it had me thinking about why we actually celebrate the holiday. Growing up in school you always did crafts dealing with pumpkins or witches, you always carved pumpkins to put outside as Halloween decorations, and you dress up as someone you have always wanted to be year after year to walk around and get tons of candy that is bad for you. After you collect your candy you go home and sort it all out and pick out the candy that you don't want and try to find someone to give it to. I never remember actually learning about the meaning of Halloween and why we celebrate it.
As I research what Halloween is about I have found many interesting details. Halloween actually means the day before All Hallows Day, a Catholic holiday commemorating Christian saints. It goes farther back to Ireland where it is known as Samhain the day that ends summer and starts winter. We wear costumes because of the medival practices of mumming where they wore costumes, sang, and went door to door praying for the dead in exchange for treats.
The history of Halloween seems interesting to me. Instead of going door to door praying for the dead we go door to door asking for candy. How did it go from praying to candy? It all seems mysterious about why we celebrate Halloween.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Almost anything can relate to glass. Once it is broken it cannot be fixed exactly how it was. Life. Once someone hurts you, you start to put up walls and have trust issues. When youre sick you lose cells that you might never get back. Friendships. Once someone breaks the trust it will never be the same. You will not act the same around that person. you possibly will never be friends with them again. You may not be able to find a friend ever again. Food. Once it breaks it falls into crumbs and will never be the same. If you cut pieces of food than it cannot be uncut. Many things are like glass and cannot be fixed. Life, relationships, and food are just some examples. Nothing can ever be fixed exactly how it was before it was broken. Even if you fix a car the piece will not be the same as the manufacture had it. Sometimes things are better when they have been broken. Once you lose your trust issues you create stronger ones. You don't have friends that you tell everything to because they start rumors. Once rumors are spread your self esteem gets broken and you have to fix it. You may have less self confidence and have to wait for that perfect someone to come and make you whole again. Even though things are broken people will still find them treasures. People would rather have a broken cookie than a whole one or broken chips rather than big ones. Everyone has been broken and you just have to pick and chose what you can put up with.
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Monday, October 24, 2011


Welfare is causing many problems in today's society. Most of the people that receive welfare should not receive it. They spend their money on alcohol and drugs and not to support their families. They don't try to get jobs, instead they live off the money the government is giving you. Many people are ok with this. I think that there needs to be higher standards in order to receive government assistance. I think that they need to have a job and take tests and be free of drugs and alcohol. In order to have a good life for their families they need to improve their lives first. In they are in a different state of mind they aren't taking care of their kids and should not receive assistance. They should be the parental role that they chose to be. If they wanted to live the party life they live they should not have had kids. The kids should not grow up taking care of themselves. They should have a role model, food on the table, clothes on their bodies, and a shelter to live in. They need to live a life that they want their kids to live.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

the little things

Its the little things in life that truly mean the most. Yesterday we cooked our pastor and his family dinner for pastor appreciation month. We delivered it to their house and they were beyond grateful. It was so awesome to see the smiles on their face.
You don't realize what you have until you see someone else who doesn't have it. They are struggling to get by. I am truly blessed to have a shelter over my head,clothes on my body, and food on my plate every night. It's so hard to believe that some people don't have that. The objects we take for granted are the objects that some people would love to have. It doesn't hit you that the life you live is not that bad compared to all of the other people in the world. we have clean water that comes straight to our house where as Africans spend one third of their lives going to get water that isn't even clean. What if everyone lived the lifestyle that we live? Would the world be a better place?
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Thursday, October 13, 2011

get to know me

My make is Becca Schutte and I am a graduate of Chillicothe High School. I combined my junior and senior years online and graduated a year early. I will more than likely attend Ohio University Chillicothe for all four years to complete my degree. I want to major in early childhood education to become a preschool teacher. I will probably have a minor in special needs by the time I am through college.
I have been working part time at Hobby Lobby for over a year how to help pay for college. My grandparents are paying for my first year so I have another year to save up because college isn't free.
During fall quarter I am taking 17 credit hours along with working part time. I will stay heavily loaded in order to make sure that I can get into the education program this summer. I cannot wait until I am able to start working with kids and observing them.
Teaching has always been what I have wanted to do. I remember playing school with my grandma when I was little and making her do extra worksheets that I got from class that day. Children are my Passion and I can't wait to influence their lives and help them have the building blocks they need to move on in this world.
My mom worked in a child care center the whole time I grew up. I was always there playing with the kids or helping the teachers. I fell in love with it over the year and couldn't think of doing anything better in my life. Most people would think I would be sick of it from dealing with all the behind the scenes work it takes. I cannot wait to have a class of my own and plan activities for them to do. I can't wait to watch them grow the personalities they have. Teaching is a special job because what better thing is there to walk into a room of young children that will put huge smiles on your face all day. Being able to be with them so young and to watch the thinking process and what goes through their mind is so entertaining to watch. Every child has a different reaction to something that might be the smallest thing in your eyes but the biggest in theirs. I cannot wait to finish these four years and to start being with kids as they grow in life. Watching them become the person you thought they would be and seeing them years later. The greatest accomplishment you could have is them coming to you years later and saying that you made an impact in their lives.
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Why do we run from so much. We run from life, people, and anything else that might come in our way. We don't stop until we find a solution, and maybe not even then. We run our minds when we think, our mouths when we talk, and our legs when we walk. We are always on the go. From school to work and to eat. We don't have the time to just sit down and enjoy a moment of rest. If our legs are stopped our months are going, if our mouths aren't moving our fingers are typing. Our body needs time to relax. The only time it actually relaxes is when we are sleeping through the night. I'm going to make it my goal to start taking time out of the day to relax, and spend some time for myself.
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Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Life is like a math equation, the more variables you add in the harder it gets. When we were kids all we had to add together was our family and friends. As we get older we add in school, issues with friends, issues with boys, and anything else that might come in your way. Life gets harder as you grow. Just like when we were little all we had to do was add together 1+1, now we have to add 3x+5b+7z=y. more factors come into play which complicate your situation. Sometimes I wish that life still consisted of the 1+1 equations, where we don't have to think about the problems that play a huge role in our life. We have to plug in the right number to get the perfect solution. The end result should be happiness and the factors that add up can vary depending on your lifestyle. At the end of our lives we should come up with the perfect solution from trial and error as we go through our years
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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

my mind is a million places right now

Why is it so hard to understand people? Their are so many ways to misjudge people by how they say something. They can come of as rude and sarcastic even if they are just trying to be nice and calm. It's even harder to understand how people are saying something through text or over the internet. Unless it is really obvious that they are upset or unless you really know them and how they talk you will never know how they mean to say something. There have been many times where I have almost gotten into arguements because either I or someone else has translated what was said the wrong way. Communication is taking a toll downwards. The easy access to phones and the internet is not helping at all. There would be less arguements if there wasn't such an easy access to these objects.
I don't understand how there are a million web sites and I can't find exactly what i'm looking for or at least anything close. I have to do an example essay and I can't figure out what exactly it is and what to write about. I have read the chapter in my book multiple times and I have been trying to find out online for the past hour. I can't find it. Maybe im just reading my sources wrong and it is all right in front of me. I am probably making it much harder than it actually is. I have a tendency to do that. I can think of the simplest objects or tasks to do and can't figure out what they are. This should be a no brainer essay but I can't wrap my finger around what exactly it is asking. It makes me mad thinking that everyone else understands what is it and I can't understand for the life of me.
With all of the websites that are easily accessed it can create problems. There are numerous websites where people can get seriously hurt from. Even though you can't get hurt physically over the internet you can get cyber bullied. There are a rare amount of sights that actually have a monitor on what you can and can't say. Facebook for example is one that doesn't. It makes it so easy to pick on someone. You can post anything you want to your wall even if it is about someone else. You can tag the person you are talking about in the post and it will show up on their page and everyone will know exactly who you are talking about where before unless you included their name it was a guessing game. You can send private messages that only that person would see so they would not have any help if things did get out of hand because no one would see it to speak up about anything. You can post nasty comments on pictures that people have posted that can hurt anybody no matter how strong you are. It's becoming a game to see how many others people can hurt. I don't like it. I don't think it is necessary to put it out for the world to see. Many times during an interview for a job the employeer can look up their social network sights and see the pictures they are tagged in or the posts on the wall. There could be a picture that you begged your friend not to put up but then you got in a fight and they uploaded it. That single picture could cost you your dream job. I would never want to destroy someone's dreams so I stay out of all of the drama. Formspring is another example of a sight that could destroy someone. You ask others anonymous questions so people don't know who is asking them. There can be some pretty harsh questions that people have asked just to make someone upset. Most of the times it works. There are so many kids who get cyberbullied and put a stop to it by ending their lives. There is no reason that people should push a kid to commit suicide. You can only bully a person so far until they reach their breaking point. I think that there should be a monitor set in place to control what people are saying on social media sights. There are so many people that can't see the light at the end of the tunnel because they are constantly getting knocked down. It's not the right thing to do. It's becoming a serious problem and nobody is putting a stop to it.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Why is that everytime we have to speak on front of people we pause, stutter, and make a fool of ourselves. Yesterday i had to start prayer at my bible study and I was at a loss of words. I didn't know what to say. When I pray by myself i can do it for hours. Today I had to give a speech and i got really nervous. I can hold a conversation with anybody so why do I freeze in front of people? My guess is that I feel that they are judging me. That I'm going to fast or to slow. That I'm really boring. I don't know why I get that way. When I used to sing in front of people I would break out in hives. Maybe because I think people might say I'm a bad singer. I hate not pleasing people so that might be my problem. I guess I'll never know.
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Thursday, September 29, 2011


Do we always follow our set goals or do we eventually trade them in for new ones? Every year we start out with a unique list of goals that we all want to accomplish for the start of the new year. We go strong for the first few weeks but after that we give up and the goals start to fall apart. What would happen of we all stuck to our goals. We would all be the ideal weight we want to be, our eating habits would be so much healthier, our job career or choice might be something that you are not doing now, all of our homework would be done on time, and we would all be 4.0 students. So what happens? Why do we fall short to achieve something that we once wanted. For me personally I get tired of doing the same things over and over again. I would switch it up everyday, which might help. Let's say we work out and do weights on day and cardio the next. It could make it easier to lose the weight, but you could lose track switching back and forth day after day. Goals are a hard task to stick to but that's why we set them. We dont set goals if they wouldn't be work, then it would just be an everyday task and would no longer be a goal. Goals are unique and special and we need to set more.
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Tuesday, September 27, 2011


What are priorities? Priorities are any thing that is regarded as more important than another. Mine consist of family, work, school, and my health for the main part. Sometimes though they change. I used to have my priorities set on soccer and singing but I eventually learned that they are not as important. Yesterday I should have spent more time working on schoolwork, reading, and working on my speech outline for my public speaking class but instead I spent time with my friend and went shopping around town. There have been many times when I have done something fun instead of serious, but how many people haven't?
People set priorities based on their lifestyles and how they were raised. I have a friend that would rather spend all of her money on clothes, make-up, and her new mustang rather than on an education, health check ups, and things to help better her life. I know many people who would do anything for their kids over doing something for themselves. When I have kids they will be my number one priority. They will be my life.
When I just googled priorities I found many different choices to choose from. I found the definition, some examples, but what struck me as interesting was On the website they take polls about political problems or issues. One of the questions they asked was "looking ahead, which of the following should be the highest priority for Congress after the election?" 38% answered by passing a new stimulus bill and 24% answered with cutting federal spending. The people want the economy's priority to cut the spending of money in the United States. Along with many money seems to be a big priority in their live and even though it helps it should not be the top priority. There are many more serious issues then money.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Why is society so hard on little kids. They have the pressure to be perfect everywhere they go. Music, movies, tv. It's a neverending battle. They have super models who are a size 00 and they are pressured to look just like them. They have their teachers telling them that they have do everything perfectly. News flash no body is perfect. People will be who they are no matter how much pressure they are facing. You can't change people. People have committed suicide from the pressure to fit into society. Who created this modern day society? Who is responsible for these deaths that occur daily? Who has given all the kids the picture that they have to be someone they are not?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thank you for your kindness
Thank you for your mercy
Thank you for the cross
Thank you for the price you paid
Thank you for salvation
Thank you for unending grace
Thank you for your hope
Thank you for this life you gave
There is no one like you
There is no one like you God
All my hope
Is in you
Jesus Jesus
To your name we give all the glory
To your name we give all the praise
You're alive our God everylasting
Let your face shine on us
Thank you for your promise
Thank you for your favour
Thank you for your love
Everything you've done for me
This song has been in my head so much recently. We could never thank him enough for what he has done. He has given us eternal life, ETERNAL life. There is nothing better than feeling the presence of God as you move forward in the day. Words can't even express how it makes you feel. You just get a warm tingly feeling inside and nothing compares. You can hear him speak to you and you realize thats it's just to you and no one else at the exact point. Communicating with him is the most powerful thing in the world I know. I wouldn't trade it with anything. You leave that five minutes in prayer or worship changed. You become a whole different person. You become a better person. You look at life with a new perspective.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

second guessing

I have come to realize that I second guess myself way to much. Whether it's over a test or a decision in life I always wonder if I am making the right decisions. I change my answer and then it's the wrong one and I realize I should have gone with my gut. You never know what to do until you have done it and it's over. There is no turning back. It could be that one moment you need to be right that could make or break you. That big moment that you put a lot of thought into and then last minute change your mind. Even if the result was what you wanted what would have happened if you picked the other one? Would you be where you are today?

Monday, September 12, 2011

second chances

Does everyone really deserve a second chance? Should people be forgiven for their decisions that can upset or hurt you? There are so many people who give out to many chances or get away with too many things. I am a firm believer in second chances and I feel that they are necessary to maintain friendships.To be forgiven and forget are two completely different things. I think you should more than always forgive but you can never forget. Whether it's the good or bad it never leaves your mind. People can only have so many chances before they have to many. If you forgive them and then they make the same mistakes over and over what it the purpose of it. If people constantly make bad decisions they need to eventually learn to make the right decision to help better them or their relationships. People learn from their mistakes and by giving them a second chance it only helps them realize the mistakes they made and to improve so that it doesn't happen again.